Category Archives: kids

and the halloween festivities begun!

Last Friday we kicked off our Halloween festivities with a little Halloween party we hosted at home. As I mentioned before, we did it for the first time last year {you can see our party featured in WeeWestchester here} and it was so much fun, we wanted to do it again. And after this second time we now know it’s going to be a family tradition. It was complete chaos, with kids, ages 3 months to 9 years old, running around but so much fun. Head over to mamemima to check it out.

halloween1Next day, L had a Halloween birthday party and later we had planned to go to our town’s annual Halloween parade. The plan was that M and G walked to town, and then L and I would meet them there to watch the parade and  return home together. Well, L and I never made it to the parade!

halloween2There were some Halloween events going on in the neighboring towns, but I didn’t expect it  to be this traffic mayhem. L was disappointed.  But we didn’t give up, though. We finally got to our town and met G and M for frozen yogurt.

halloween3Sunday morning we took our weekly family walk and pay a visit to the scarecrows at a nearby park. The scarecrows were made by local middle school and high school students so it was a great show of kids creativity.

halloween4This week, the Halloween festivities continued. G had a couple of Halloween celebrations yesterday morning and today has a Halloween parade. L was allowed to wear his costume to school and will have a little celebration in his classroom.

halloween5Of course today’s highlight will be tonight when we go out trick or treating. L is very excited and has been training G to say “tik or trit”. So cute!

I have to say it’s been a great Halloween 2013 and I can honestly say that I definitely enjoy Halloween more since I had kids. Really.

Happy Halloween! Feliz Dia de las Brujas!